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=== Fix Apache2 Setup ===

The next step is getting the Apache2 setup fixed, so you can regain access to GOsa² installed on TJENER:

  * Remove dangling symlinks in {{{/etc/apache2/sites-enabled}}} related to Debian Edu{{{
root@tjener:~# rm -f /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/debian-edu-*default
  * Create proper symlinks (having a trainling {{{.conf}}} in the symlink name via the {{{a2ensite}}} utility:{{{
root@tjener:~# a2ensite debian-edu-default
root@tjener:~# a2ensite debian-edu-ssl-default
  * Don't forget to restart Apache2:{{{
root@tjener:~# invoke-rc.d apache2 restart

Upgrade des Debian Edu Haupt-Servers (TJENER) von Debian Edu squeeze nach Debian Edu jessie

Package Upgrades

to Debian (Edu) wheezy

  • Update /etc/apt/sources.list and individual configurations in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/, so that packages for Debian wheezy will get installed with next upgrade / dist-upgrade.

  • Run upgrade and dist-upgrade in two steps

    root@tjener:~# apt-get upgrade
    root@tjener:~# apt-get dist-upgrade
  • Reboot into the new Debian wheezy system, ignore if some services are broken / non-functional.

to Debian (Edu) jessie

  • Update /etc/apt/sources.list and individual configurations in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/, so that packages for Debian jessie will get installed with next upgrade / dist-upgrade.

  • Run upgrade and dist-upgrade in two steps

    root@tjener:~# apt-get upgrade
    root@tjener:~# apt-get dist-upgrade
  • Reboot into the new Debian jessie system, ignore if some services are broken / non-functional.

Possible mistakes

  • Don't forget the reboot into the Debian wheezy system, because you will run into troubles when upgrading the udev package from wheezy to jessie if still running the 2.6.32 Linux kernel from Debian squeeze.

Fixing the TJENER setup after package upgrade

The Debian Edu mainserver is not easily upgradable, because the mainserver installation process in Debian Edu does many modifications to the plain Debian system.

Fix DNS server (bind9)

During the upgrade process, the DNS server configuration (synced into text files from LDAP) gets lost. You need to rebuild the DNS server configuration files from LDAP manually.

  • Add ldap.intern
    to /etc/hosts temporarily.
  • Add


    at the end of /etc/default/ldap2zone.

  • Rebuild the DNS configuration (in /etc/bind) via ldap2bind command:

    root@tjener:~# su - bind
    bind@tjener:~$ PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin /usr/sbin/ldap2bind

Fix Apache2 Setup

The next step is getting the Apache2 setup fixed, so you can regain access to GOsa² installed on TJENER:

  • Remove dangling symlinks in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled related to Debian Edu

    root@tjener:~# rm -f /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/debian-edu-*default
  • Create proper symlinks (having a trainling .conf in the symlink name via the a2ensite utility:

    root@tjener:~# a2ensite debian-edu-default
    root@tjener:~# a2ensite debian-edu-ssl-default
  • Don't forget to restart Apache2:

    root@tjener:~# invoke-rc.d apache2 restart

IT-Zukunft Schule: Technik/Installation/VM/HauptServerTjener/Squeeze2Jessie (zuletzt geändert am 2016-01-10 02:04:39 durch MikeGabriel)